

I absolutely love the story of lazarus.

There is so much truth wrapped in and around the layers, I am constantly finding something new.

Recently i was struck by the conversation between Jesus and Martha. Martha went out to meet Jesus. and the first thing out of her mouth was, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." The raw honesty that accompanies fresh grief were the first words from Martha to Jesus.

I have so many questions concerning this story. Why didn't Jesus come sooner? Couldn't he have healed Lazarus from the road? What was the delay?

But he did take an extra four days, and his friend passed away during that time.

When he is confronted with these words from Martha, Jesus tells her that her brother will rise again. This much she knows, she knows the scripture and she tells Jesus this. But Jesus presses her.

"I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

He pressed her to take hold of a personal belief. Martha knew that Jesus was the son of God. She knew that he had miraculous gifts that could heal, but he was pressing her to take hold of a personal belief. Later, when he asks for the stone to be rolled away, and she protests, he says,

"Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"

And then he calls Lazarus forth. Belief and then glory. Personal belief and then glory.

How often am I running out to meet Jesus upset with the way things have turned out, and he asks confronts me with a question about my belief and the intellectual stance that I have taken? How many moments of glory have I missed b/c I didn't have the faith?

A lot, I imagine. Quite a lot.

posted by Kelly @ 8:52:00 AM 


Blogger BrownEyedGirl said...

Wow...me too.. A lot.
Give me faith to believe more and eyes to behold his Glory!

10:55 AM  

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I am on a journey, searching for God and what that means in my daily life. It's not about constraints, it's not about limitations, but freedom. I know something exists beyond the visible. I live thinking about possibilities and what could be and the necessary steps to make things happen. I like long talks with a good friend, drinking tea, eating breakfast with my husband, going to a bookstore (they are the new libraries), cool mornings, windy days in the fall, learning about love and life from those who seem to have found their way, teenagers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, long baths, and connecting with another heart. I am learning how to love, how to live, when to speak and when not to, when it's time to gather the stones, when it's time to let go, surrender, forgiveness, and discipline.

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