
many thoughts have been swirling around in my head lately. and i haven't been able to form them together, but felt the need after a friend mentioned that i hadn't posted in a while. i have some thoughts that i will list below. please note that these may be completely unrelated and possibly even incoherent.

what are the ways we encounter God? through action, or through interaction? is my God a contextualized American God? is this why i see-saw back and forth with living overseas? do i think that i might not be able to encounter God there? are people so inspired by missionaries b/c of their sacrifice or because they show us new ways of encountering God outside of our context?

why is it the Jesus i read about in scripture a completely different person than the Jesus i have heard about all my life in sunday school? after being inspired by richard foster, i examined all the verses Jesus spoke of on prayer. and it, too, turned out to be a completely different concept than what i had always envisioned.

i seem to have gotten to a point in my life where i've realized that it is only possible to have a few very close friends. and sometimes your closest friends are not the ones who know you best. all relationships at this very moment are either drawing together or pulling apart. so stop stressing out.

shit happens. accept that. God still is and was and always will be. his love does not change because of my circumstance.

i want to be a person of love. to be known by love. and i need to work on that one.

--peace out

posted by Kelly @ 3:27:00 PM 


Blogger sarah jewett clarke said...

always thankful for your honesty and my thoughts provoked by yours.


5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I definitely connect with the friends thing and also with how we encounter God but too often I am mechanical in this and miss the encounter all together. I remember asking a college student attending our pitiful little corps how he worshiped God because I didn't think it was happening on Sunday a.m. He said he worshipped through his service. This really changed my perspective.-debby

8:52 AM  
Blogger Phil said...

it's cool you took some time off to gather your thoughts (and are still gathering, from what i, um, gather). those people who post something nearly every day can get pretty annoying - just because you're writing doesn't mean you have much to say. :)

you, on the other hand...

1:34 PM  
Blogger Mike Todd said...

Great questions.

8:30 PM  

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I am on a journey, searching for God and what that means in my daily life. It's not about constraints, it's not about limitations, but freedom. I know something exists beyond the visible. I live thinking about possibilities and what could be and the necessary steps to make things happen. I like long talks with a good friend, drinking tea, eating breakfast with my husband, going to a bookstore (they are the new libraries), cool mornings, windy days in the fall, learning about love and life from those who seem to have found their way, teenagers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, long baths, and connecting with another heart. I am learning how to love, how to live, when to speak and when not to, when it's time to gather the stones, when it's time to let go, surrender, forgiveness, and discipline.

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