

up to this point in my life, i have come to two major crossroads, and on both occasions, i followed my heart. but now i am faced with a third, and am unsure of where i should be headed.

each path presents to me its own set of challenges and opportunities, how is it possible to know which decision is the best? i am seeking hard after God, but the whole "he-is-less-concerned-with-what-you-do-than-who-you-are" thing keeps ringing in my ears.

"..lead a life worthy of the calling you have received." --Ephesians 4:1

my job is in the field of spiritual formation. our formation is largely dependent on our capacity to live a called life. this verse presupposes a God who speaks and a people who are willing to listen. am i willing to listen?

it has not been my experience that God gives me a definitive answer leading me in one way or another. it's more of a revelation that expands the different pathways so that i am able to see clearer each destination. the choice, however, remains for me to make.

i don't know if i will follow my heart this time. sometimes you have to take the measured approach. it's not as romantic, and it sure as hell doesn't make for an interesting post, but there is still beauty to be found in the small steps along the way. and it is through that beauty that i will become stronger and more attuned to his voice.

it is in this crossroads that my life will become worthy~of his calling.. and of my reception.

posted by Kelly @ 3:58:00 PM 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

choices can be tough and tough choices just suck. too seldom do i think to revel in the freedom of choice finding that i squander that freedom not being a good steward of it. i'm more optimistic about you :) -debby

6:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kelly. reading your post today reminded me of a situation i was going through last week that involved not such fun choices. i wrote about it on my blog and thought i'd pass it along...sorry, it doesn't give a paint-by-number plan on what direction to take (wouldn't that be nice sometimes?)...but maybe it'll at least be cool that someone else has 'been there' too?. i posted what i had written below. - brooke
(growth is beautiful)
I love flowers. Well, I should re-phrase that; I love cut flowers . . . you know, the ones that are already grown, bloomed, and arranged nicely in a vase. I love those kinds of flowers.

Last night, the Lord used a vase of flowers to tell me something about my relationship with Him. And this morning as I drove into work, it occurred to me that His word to me was beautiful. It also, however, occurred to me that all things "beautiful" don't come easily.

Think about it: the smile of a precious little girl is gorgeous . . .but that little girl's life means that her parents' lives are not as comfortable as they once were. Surely at some point in their decision to have a baby, they realized the sacrifices that would need to be made. Or perhaps since she's been born, they have come to make lifestyle changes that were difficult, but necessary, now that they're parents.

And another "beautiful" thing is a grown adult's relationship with his parents. A marriage. An old friendship. All of these require work and effort, constant care and attention. The growth of them, although sometimes awkward or uneasy, is beautiful.

I'm seeing that life's beautiful moments are worth the work. Even though I don't prefer to grow my own flowers and remember to water them, I enjoy the finished product. And although God's lessons aren't always easy to learn in the process, I love the ripened fruit. It's delicious, even beautiful.

So I want to remember in the midst of growing times that each step, each fall, each getting-up-again . . . all of it is beautiful because it's leading to new life. I'd like to keep that in mind when I am frustrated with my own progress, when others get on my nerves, or when I see things that I cannot change right away.

8:59 AM  
Blogger so i go said...

naw, don't take the measured approach. come on!!

ok, ok, if you must, then i will agree with you that there's plenty of beauty to be found in the small steps, and it will no doubt make you stronger. that was well said, my friend.

regardless of your decision, and i know you've got some incredible decisions to make up ahead.. just remember to leave a lot of potential room for human failure so that God can come in and render it supernatural.


2:23 PM  
Blogger KIMISLOVED said...

What's makes you think its not as interesting? This post shows the place you are in on the journey you so have chosen to take.
I love the visual of the pathways getting more discernable and wide as God reveals little by little the choices we have...maybe not the actual decision we need to make.
You have a good heart...one that, with daily striving, beats with the heart of God. You have a husband that supports you and loves you. You will make the decision that you need to make and will be covered in prayer in the process.

Love u

2:55 PM  

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States

I am on a journey, searching for God and what that means in my daily life. It's not about constraints, it's not about limitations, but freedom. I know something exists beyond the visible. I live thinking about possibilities and what could be and the necessary steps to make things happen. I like long talks with a good friend, drinking tea, eating breakfast with my husband, going to a bookstore (they are the new libraries), cool mornings, windy days in the fall, learning about love and life from those who seem to have found their way, teenagers, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, long baths, and connecting with another heart. I am learning how to love, how to live, when to speak and when not to, when it's time to gather the stones, when it's time to let go, surrender, forgiveness, and discipline.

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